Tips for Productivity for Stay at Home Moms

Being a mom is hard work. It’s a full time job. And anyone that says otherwise has never been a stay at home mom before. And honestly, even if you never do anything aside from keeping your baby alive and the house from burning down, you’re succeeding as a mom. Keeping everyone alive is the peak of productivity, honestly. 

Being a mom means that you are always so so busy. I have a full time job where I have to go into the office twice a week, and then spend the rest of the week working from home. There isn’t a single day where I’m not busy almost every single second of the day. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed. Here are a few of the things I do everyday to try to remain productive.

1) To do lists

I honestly can’t function without a to do list. My house is littered with them. I never get to the end of my to do list, but it helps me to just write down everything I want/need to get done.

2) Take advantage of the first nap of the day

This one may seem like a no brainer. But if I don’t actually get things done during Bastian’s first nap of the day, the rest of the day is basically doomed for non productivity. So as soon as he’s down for his nap, I force myself to shower, get dressed, and get started on my to do list.

3) Leave the house

Look, it’s hard sometimes to get yourself to leave the house. There are plenty of times where I don’t leave the house for a few days. And honestly, it gets depressing. Even if it’s just for a five minute walk around the block, getting myself out of the house everyday is sooo important to not only my productivity, but also to my overall mood.

4) Eat

Until you’re a mom, you don’t realize how easy it is to miss meals without intending to. Babies require a lot of energy and attention and suddenly it’s 2 pm and you haven’t eaten yet. But you’ll be in a better mood, more productive, and a better mom, if you eat regularly. Even if it’s just a granola bar. Make sure you’re eating enough!

5) Give yourself a break

Being a mom is just hard. And it can be super overwhelming. So let yourself have a day off. If your partner offers to take care of the baby all night, TAKE IT. If a friend offers to babysit, TAKE IT. And sometimes, don’t write a to do list. Take naps whenever that baby is napping. Watch tv and don’t feel bad about it. Seriously, sometimes you just need to take a day to do absolutely nothing and don’t let yourself feel bad about it. You deserve a break, because being a mom is hard work.


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