5 Months: Project You and Me

5 Months: Project You and Me

I’m honestly surprised every single month when the 21st rolls around. I can’t believe my little baby is already 5 months old! He is such a perfect baby. This last month has been my absolute favorite month so far. He just gets more and more fun as he gets older. I feel like we’ve finally been able to master sleep training for his nap schedule. I’m hoping that as soon as his teeth finally cut(he has four teeth coming in and has been teething for almost three months now), that we’ll be able to get him sleeping through the night. 


5 Months: Project You and Me

-Loves broccoli, avocado, and tomatoes. You haven’t found a single food you haven’t liked.

-Think the funniest thing is when Seth makes funny noises. You’ll laugh and laugh forever.

-So tall that your 3-6 month clothes are getting too short, but you’re absolutely drowning in all of your 6-9 month clothes.

5 Months: Project You and Me

-Have the cutest personality. You’re the funnest 5 month old I’ve ever met, and I’m barely biased. 😉

-Is obsessed with the dog. You’ll roll all other the floor trying to get to him to pet him.

-Are trying so hard to crawl! Slow down, please. At 5 months, you don’t need to be trying to crawl. But damn if you aren’t trying.

-Love facetiming your yiayia(my mom).

5 Months: Project You and Me


5 Months: Project You and Me

-Spent some time in St. George a few weeks ago, and left Bastian with Seth’s family overnight. I’m so glad we did it, but it was so hard to leave him overnight.

-Trying really hard not to work past 7 pm on nights that Seth is home. Failing, but still trying.

-Trying really hard not to work when Bastian is awake. Also failing, but still trying.

-Also trying really hard to stay on top of learning French with Bastian. The actual lessons I take are few and far between, but during the day the only music or tv shows we watch/listen to are in French. So I think that will have to be adequate immersion for now.

5 Months: Project You and Me

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