My Experience with Microblading

It’s 2018, so chances are, you know someone who has their eyebrows microbladed. In fact, it’s highly possible that YOU are the one who has had a hands on experience with microblading. I know I’m not the first person to get their brows done, but I have had a lot of questions in the past few months about my new brows! So, here’s my experience with microblading.

I’ve always had really big, thick eyebrows. A blessing. Except for the little patchy bald spots where my eyebrows start. A curse. I went through many phases of filling in my brows over the last few years. I was a little late to the “pay attention to your brows” trend(a trend I will never stop being grateful for). One day, before heading to my very college-esque job at Forever 21, I filled in my brows with very dark brown eyeshadow. My manager(who had some of the biggest and boldest brows I’ve ever seen to this day) told me she loved them. Aaaand I was hooked.

Thankfully, I learned a few things about my brows in the last 4 years. One, tweezers are your friend(with control). Two, put down the eyeshadow and please PLEASE treat yourself to dipbrow. It took me much too long to discover dipbrow. And even longer to figure out how to use a light enough hand to make them look natural yet defined.

All of this is to say…taking care of your brows, and learning how to fill them in properly, and then taking the time to fill them in everyday, is a lot of hard work. Worth it. But, a lot of hard work.

My sister, who happens to do brows and lashes, moved out of state shortly after I had Bastian. Microblading is like a tattoo in the sense that you’re not allowed to get them done while pregnant. So, the next time she came up to visit(about 3 or 4 months ago?), she was willing to do a little microblading magic on my brows. I haven’t picked up my dipbrow since, and I don’t regret it one bit.

Essentially, she added some hair strokes to the little bald part of my brow. Then she did some softap shading throughout the rest of my brow to give it the defined look I wanted.


Okay, like a dummy, I didn’t move my photos from my old phone when I upgraded a few months ago, and my official before and after pictures were on it. My sister included some before and afters when she did them, you can find those here. The before picture here is actually a picture of me in labor, haha. It’s the only natural brow picture I could find…and the second photo is what they look like everyday, completely healed.

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