Baby moon Getaway in St. George

A few months ago, Seth and I were talking about how things were going to change once the new baby gets here. One of the things that we talked about is just how much the dynamic of the family will change. Going from 3 people to 4. We decided we wanted to take one last little family vacation, before the baby got here. A little baby moon, but with Bastian. Does that still count as a baby moon? Haha

With me being so far along in my pregnancy, we knew that our options would be limited with where we could go. Pretty much immediately, our minds went to St. George. It’s an easy place for us to vacation for a handful of reasons. It’s a short road trip, only about three and a half hours. A lot of Seth’s family is in that area, so we are always able to see them when we go visit. I told Seth that the only way I could go down to somewhere as hot as St. George at 37 weeks pregnant, would be if we had pretty much constant access to a pool.

The Inn At Entrada

Often when we go down to St. George, we stay at The Inn At Entrada. It’s been our favorite place to stay for the past two years. Even though this time of year is so busy down there, we were able to get a room, and we basically lived at the pool the entire time we were there.

Bastian is such a little water baby and LOVES the pool. We went twice every single day that we were there. And he was basically begging us to go to the pool every waking moment. One morning we tried to take a nice family walk before it got too hot(it was still hot though, haha) and as soon as we got near the vicinity of the pool, Bastian started asking to go swimming. We had to head back to our Casita to change, and then went swimming at 9am. But the water was the perfect temperature and we were able to really wear him out before naptime. So I’m definitely not complaining.

It was so nice to get to spend time as a little family together. We took a long weekend and got to just be together. We didn’t have a lot of solid plans. Which gave us the chance to just lounge and relax, which is exactly what we needed.

And now that we’re home, and I hit 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow, this little baby can get here anytime he wants, haha.

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