Horseflies and a Growth Spurt

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for Awkward and Awesome Fridays! I always feel like there are so many things that happen during the week, and then I sit down to write this post and I realize all I did was sit at home with my baby. Haha. But that doesn’t mean there weren’t a few noteworthy moments. 


One day at work, I offered to drive a few coworkers to Swig. On the way to the car, I apologized for how messy it was. One of my coworkers remarked that it was okay that my car was messy, because I’d just had a baby, and babies make messes. We got to the car and he realized that the mess I was talking about was really just a bunch of fast food bags.

We took a trip to visit Seth’s family, and we decided to go for a hike. It was a hike that we’ve done a few times, and is relatively easy, so I figured it wouldn’t be too hard while wearing Bastian. Well. We got to the middle of the hike, the bottom of a gorge. And I got ATTACKED by a swarm of horseflies. I swatted at them and they would NOT stop biting. I ended up running, holding Bastian on my chest, and swatting at the horseflies with my other hand for at least half a mile. There was a swarm following me until basically the end of the hike. Seth ran behind me trying to swat them away, but also laughing a little.

Just today, I went to change Bastian’s diaper. As I was changing it, he pooped all over his bed. He’s done this before, but honestly not in over a month. I handed him to my sister while I changed his sheets. A little bit later, he pooped again. While I was changing his diaper, he peed all over the fresh sheets. So I had to change his sheets twice before noon, haha.



I went back to work! Just two days a week. It’s hard being away from Bastian, but it’s also kinda nice to get some adult interaction.

My little sister moved in with us. She’ll be living with us for 6 months, and it’s kinda nice having a live-in babysitter. 😉

We took our first road trip with Bastian! We went to go visit Seth’s family, and the road trip went better than we expected it to.

I had a little bit of nerve damage during labor, and I was able to get a great massage from Seth’s sister and it is soooo much better now. Praise.

Bastian has really started to respond to us and started smiling and it is my FAVORITE thing. Being a mom is just getting more and more fun and I love it.

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