Project You & Me: 10 Months

Every month flies past, and I can’t believe it’s almost time to start planning Bastian’s first birthday. Seth and I look at him all the time and are in awe of how big he is as well as how much we love him. He’s well-natured, despite going through a bit of a tantrum phase lately. I know every parent feels this way about their children, but we feel so blessed that he came to our family! 


-Too tall for basically all of your pants, but also too skinny for bigger ones.

-Still fit in 6 month onesies.

-Got a weird rash on your legs over the weekend that we were convinced was chicken pox, but it was gone the next day.

-Love standing on your tip toes and trying to get into absolutely everything.

-Learned how to pull things out of drawers, and our bathroom hasn’t been safe since.

-Are still one of the best travelers. You do amazing on road trips(usually) and we’re hoping to continue the good traveling habits.

-Love sour foods. Mustard and vinegar are some of your favorite condiments.

-Nursing less and less and even though I’m glad for the easy transition, I’m cherishing these last few months of consistent breastfeeding.

-Still good at sharing. As long as we share back, haha.

-Love playing with Lyla. And she is soooo patient with you. You’ll stick your hands in her mouth and tug on her ears and she doesn’t react.



-Turns 23 this week. What?

-Opened Juniper Oak earlier this month, my clothing store! It was a lot of work and a lot of stress but the opening went smoothly and we had a ton of support. It’s been almost 3 weeks now and it just keeps getting better.

-Neglecting the child proofing of all of the drawers and cupboards but we really can’t push it off much longer.

-Really going to miss nursing once you’re weaned.

-Constantly stuck between loving watching you grow and learn, and wishing you’d stop growing and learning so I could continue enjoying you as a little baby.

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