Project You & Me: 3 Months

This month has held a lot of firsts for Bastian. He’s really starting to develop a personality. This morning, Seth was saying that he sometimes misses the spacey baby who looked at everything with the biggest eyes(his eyes are still huge, but he’s definitely starting to grow into them). I know I’m an entire week late writing this; I had plans to write it before our trip to Nashville last week but it just didn’t happen. And then, of course, I forgot my laptop at home. He’s grown so much, and definitely isn’t my newborn anymore. 

Project You & Me: 3 Months


-are teething. Big time. Started at 2.5 months. How????

-are in the 75th percentile for height! You’re just a tall, skinny babe, just like your dad.

-went on your very first big trip! On a plane! While you were teething(there will be an entire blog post all about that next week).

Project You & Me: 3 Months

-had a man tell  us that he thought you were 6 months old! I almost cried.

-are still obsessed with ceiling fans. Honestly, I  can’t get you to look away from them.

-are also obsessed with any light source. When I put you down for your nap I have to keep you facing away from any windows, otherwise you’ll keep yourself up staring at the light.

-laughed for the first time this month. I mean, your first REAL laugh, not just a little giggle or a laugh in your sleep. You’ve been doing it constantly since then.

-almost doubled since your birth weight! When we went to the pediatrician 3(?) weeks ago, you were just over 13 pounds.

-had your first taste of food! (before anyone gets out their pitchforks; he was about 14 weeks, and he literally licked a tiny bit of avocado off my finger. That’s it)


Project You & Me: 3 Months


-(mostly) recovered from my appendectomy.

-managed to stay sane bringing you on a plane.

Project You & Me: 3 Months

-finally feel like I’m getting somewhere with my blog(wait until you guys see what we did on our trip last week!)

-loving pure barre.

-finally fit into my favorite pair of pre-pregnancy jeans.

-trying not to feel overwhelmed being a full time mom, working a full time job, and running a full time blog.

-missing the days where you would sleep anywhere and through anything.

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